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A poem on silence

Settling into silence Sometimes easy, often not Consequent upon the myriad of matters Filling the space of my mind   Wild, unruly child of mine Unwittingly allowed a freedom which pleases neither of us Will order and harmony ever return?   Awakening to my responsibility Detached from guilt and blame Faith that anything can be…

The Quiet Revolution That Heralds a World Without Fear

India has a rich history of spiritual leaders who have significantly influenced the country and the world with their teachings and philosophies. An inconspicuous figure among them stands out for what he did. Prajapita Brahma founded the Brahma Kumaris, a spiritual organisation led by women, which is the largest of its kind in the world.…

A poem on courage

Taking courage into our hands Hands that cope in crisis That care and caution Hands that create the future Extending our compassion Holding the world in our heart Keeping the commitment to carrying through An instinct to preserve Moving past the many barriers Seen and unseen Which block our progress Becoming who we are in…


Explore the beauty and wisdom within that's waiting to be awakened


Discover the still, clear purity that lies within the soul.


Create love inside your heart and silently give it to everyone you meet

Authors Video

Sister Jayanti is the Additional Administrative Head of The Brahma Kumaris, the world’s largest spiritual organisation to be led by women. She is a spiritual teacher, much sought after international public speaker, author and a visionary leader guided by spiritual values and principles.


Sister Jayanti embodies a unique blend of Eastern wisdom and Western education and culture; imparting the deepest spiritual truths with the utmost clarity. Her prominent speaking themes include leadership, environment & climate change, women´s empowerment; health & well-being, racial harmony, interreligious friendships & global peace.


Meditation stabilizes the mind, releases tension, reduces stress, enhances well-being, and helps in healing and recovery. By devoting just a few minutes a day to Sister Jayanti’s techniques, your life can be improved immeasurably.


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