Poem: Inside the Lighthouse
Housed in a sturdy structure Ingenious design So many functions at my disposal Part of a proud line Situated on the topmost floor Key instruments at hand Sensitive to the elements I seldom sleep Shifting scenes, unusual sightings Vessels bound on mysterious missions Laden with cargo, mundane and the magical I am both…
Nourishing the Soul: The Link Between a Healthy Mind and Diet
From the earliest stages of our lives, we are drawn to the profound mysteries of the human soul. This innate curiosity about the essence of our being often leads us on a journey of self-discovery, seeking answers to life’s most profound questions. One aspect of this holistic approach to wellness is the role of diet…
Create a “Team spirit” to be sucessful
The successful industrialist of the world, Henry Ford, gives the credit of his life’s success to the team spirit and says that – “Getting together is the beginning of progress towards success, staying together is the development and working together is the beginning of success.” The achievements of any institution, organisation or association are the…
Raja yoga meditation is an effective way for Stress Management
Stress and anxiety have become a global problem of today’s time. Today there is hardly any person who is completely free from stress. Many types of physical, psychological, intellectual and yogic methods as well as medical therapy are used for stress management today. Some of their dimensions are showing progressive results, although along with this,…
Excess Baggage
When we travel from one place to another, be it city to city or one country to another, one major element besides the ticket or passport is baggage! Ever notice how we check what allowance we have even before booking or buying the ticket? Most of us are pretty familiar with the rules that also go with baggage allowance…
Your A-Z Guide to Divine Virtues – Zeal
When one is zealous they have an extra boost that is energy to pursue there aim and objectives. This also enables them to fly over obstacles which may come in their way. So where does this energy come from? All energy that we have exists within the soul and we can decided how we would…
Your A-Z Guide to Divine Virtues – Xenial
Xenial is the ability to live as a guest – our mind should understand we have come to earth to live here temporary but we need to also have a way of living here? The way of being hospitable and friendly to our brothers and sisters who share the same earth. Friendship is one of…
Your A-Z Guide to Divine Virtues – Tolerance
True tolerance is about respecting and accepting differences. It means giving up any expectation that we have or want over people and situations It requires the realisations that we do not need control people and circumstances to make things go right at that time. We need to be able to create a space for quality…
Your A-Z Guide to Divine Virtues – Contentment
Contentment is when I show love and appreciation for myself and the role I am playing. It is looking at my own goodness and spreading that good vibration around. Contentment allows me stay in my self respect and having faith that everything I need is provided in abundance and therefore I can give unconditionally and…
Your A-Z Guide to Divine Virtues – Beauty
Todays virtue on Beauty teaches us a lesson that Beauty is light personified – that is light/ a star being given life and form which can be experienced. Beauty within – has power and this power can only grow when you recognise the light you are within, the spirit is filled with many qualities and has…
Self-Soothing – Stillness in the Storm
Welcome to our Stillness in the Storm (SITS) blog. Each month we look forward to introducing you to one of the seven tools for coping with fear and uncertainty explored in our recently published SITS book. We aim to briefly introduce a theme and give you a selection of practices you can try out during…
Your A-Z Guide to Divine Virtues – Accuracy
We are all made of innate divine qualities. These contribute to both our mental and physical well being. Understanding the importance of each of these allows us to start using them in our everyday activities. We will be exploring the A-Z of divine virtues in these series. Posted once or twice a month. Todays…
Compassion Challenge Day 7 – Good Wishes
Good Wishes Our thoughts have power, this power can transform the vibrations in the worlds and these vibrations in turn can bring about the change required to shift any obstacle. We often live unconsciously letting these thoughts go to waste. In meditation we are consciously becoming aware of these thoughts and start using them more…
Compassion Challenge Day 2 – Letting Go
Letting Go In order to bring about permanent change there comes a time when we need to look at what are we holding on to that is holding us back. Reflecting on this can allow dependencies to become supports to help us move forward instead. To be truly free there is a level of faith…
Compassion Challenge
With a turbulent year in 2020 Wellbeing is now at the forefront of all our mind. The hope of a the New year ahead in all of our hearts is igniting the feeling of positive change. One way we can go about doing is this to start our New year with our Compassion challenge. We welcome you to join us for this 14 days challenge to start the 2021 with a Compassion. This deep emotion plays a massive part in our lives, for our being the soul to survive. In order to grow your compassion for yourself and other as well, it is vital to work the compassion muscle in your mind and get it toned and tuned up for the betterment of our world.
As the Dalai Lama quotes ” Compassion , connotes love, affection , kindness, gentleness, generosity of spirit and warm-heartedness. We will send you a short daily challenge that will ensure you imbibe and inculcate the goodness of this special virtue.
Healing Our Earth – Nourishing body and soul – Vegetarian pure cooking
In today’s information age, we are continually bombarded with details about the physical aspects of what we eat and the effects that different ingredients may or may not have, and naturally this is important. But in this welter of information, we tend to overlook one crucial factor: the consciousness of the person cooking and the…
How does the ego convince us that it is real? Emotions sustain the ego because emotions feel real. Emotions come from the ‘my’ value we project onto things or people but that value is not a part of the object or person we call ‘mine’. My car has value for me but that ‘my’ value…
Freedom – Part 2a
Body The ego has put our sense of self into the body and the role that we play in the drama of life. The body is not who we are but as soon as we are born, others relate to us as though we are the form we inhabit. “What a pretty girl. What a…
Freedom – Part 1a
Possessions Everything out there in the physical world is neutral. It is what it is. A car is a car. A dress is a dress. Any value judgement is a projection of opinion. “This is a nice dress.” Nice is a value judgement which I have projected onto the dress. The “nice” value is not…
How to overcome adversity?
It is true that in life challenges and adversity are a certainty, but do they have to overwhelm and overpower us? Some respond to adversity incredibly well, dealing with them skillfully, optimistically, enthusiastically and appropriately. Whilst others often feel disheartened, perhaps defeated, disempowered – with feelings of “why me?”, as though life holds a personal…
True friendship
They say that true friends are hard to find, we all want true and good friends in our lives but are we that to our own self? The most important relationship in our life is the one that we have with our self. We tend to be kind, caring and thoughtful towards those around us,…
Helping children in finding their purpose
It has been said that children come through you but not from you – you may give them your love but not your thoughts (The Prophet, Khalil Gibran). From this we can denote the importance of lovingly overseeing the growth of a child, but not forcefully dominating or governing their lives. The former allows life…
What is Soul Consciousness?
‘’When individuals of any age learn to turn inward and connect with their innate, divine nature and it’s Source, then, regardless of circumstances, they experience and express true peace and happiness. This is why spiritual education is the need of the hour.’’ Dadi Ratan Mohini Soul Consciousness and Body Consciousness Soul consciousness is derived from…
Overcoming Temptation
Question: How to overcome temptation? Answer: An attractive proposal that I can’t take up. A bar of Belgian chocolate that my aunt just gave me, even though my doctor prohibited chocolate only last week. An alarm clock trying to wake me up at 5 a.m. after I got to bed at two. Dilemmas and temptations…
Cultivating values in everyday life
Question: How to cultivate values in everyday life? Answer: Each morning, making time for silence to connect with the inner being gives the experience of the original qualities of the self – which are peace, love, truth, purity and happiness. As I connect with these innate qualities, and emerge them in my awareness, I remember…
Overcoming Negative Influences
Question: How can we stop the negative influence of people who are close to us and enable them to change their thinking pattern? Answer: This is a curious question. I don’t know if you have ever made the attempt to change anyone. I don’t believe I have met anyone who has been successful in that…
The Story of Prajapita Baba, the Father of the People
On 18th January here at the Brahma Kumaris we celebrated the day of Prajapita Baba (or Brahma Baba), the Father of the people. This is the day which he left his mortal coil. He was an extremely pure soul and very faithful to God. He had excellent leadership qualities and was also a great visionary.…
New Beginnings
The month of January is a time for making New Year’s resolutions. One of my goals this year is not to miss early morning meditation. My role model is Brahma Baba. This soul used to wake up at 1am to do meditation every day for 34 years without fail. It is good to set goals…
Creating Heaven on Earth
Yesterday I had a great time at work and managed to create a peaceful environment for others. The return of that was my colleague seeing me as a “special soul”. I work with children so it is no easy feat to create peace for others. Here are my top tips for creating heaven in your…
Health Awareness
I recently attended a seminar on health awareness so that I can improve my health condition. I learnt some very useful things. The morning was divided between the three health care speakers: Dr. Prashant, Coordinator of the Brahma Kumaris Cambridge Center, Dr. Isabella Llewelyn, GP in North London, with a special interest in nutrition, cancer research and…
International Yoga Day
Last year was the first time that the world celebrated International Yoga Day officially. The Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi asked the world leaders to adopt an International Yoga Day, saying that by changing lifestyle and creating consciousness, it can help us deal with climate change. ”Noting that Yoga is “an invaluable gift of…
Earlier this week I was able to develop the power to make a more permanent change to one of my negative personality habits. It was a habit ingrained in me since childhood and I had managed to get rid of it temporarily but then it returned. Since trying Raja Yoga Meditation I have now been…
How to be happy no matter what
I used to believe I would be happy once I found a job, or when others changed…Having the guidance of the One has helped me to accept situations and people. I am developing maturity and becoming fearless thanks to the One. People may still try to take my happiness away and I am learning not…
My self-worth
Recently I have started reminding myself of my good qualities during my early morning meditation. This is one way of keeping happy, strengthening your good qualities and appreciating the self. It helps me to stay in my self-respect too. Yesterday I attended a BK course on self-worth/self-esteem and it was here’s what I learnt.…
How to manage your mind
The battery of the soul has been discharging with history. We used to believe that by worshipping God we would please Him and our problems would be solved. Then when our problems were not solved we would start feeling annoyed, angry and dissatisfied etc… Recently we have started wasting our time watching TV and entertaining…
Strengthening Mental Health
I woke up this morning with a promise to myself that my negative thoughts will not defeat me and I am to work on strengthening my mental mind (health). However, very quickly, I found myself tangled in my morning routine, in judging, the right and the wrong and not what was wrong about me, but…
An angel cares, shares and inspires
“Every two hours I will put a brake on my mind and my tongue. I step inside myself for a minute and become quiet; I stop, relax and observe. Once my understanding is clearer, I can re-enter the flow of daily activities with new-found direction. As soon as I notice myself complaining and blaming I…
How to make self-progress in life
I always keep in my awareness that as an ambassador of peace, I am an important person and since I am studying for a degree in becoming a deity, I will accumulate marks in this birth towards that, so every action and mistake is important. Your position or role in life does not matter, what…
Creating a healthy mind and body
In spirituality we say that there are three things which affect your longevity: hurry, worry and curry. These are three bad habits that can ruin a person’s good health. I think worry is the worst one as it is the hardest to control. A man leaves his house at 7.15 every morning to get to…
Everyone wants freedom. Would you say it was fair to say that? There are many varieties of freedom. There are plenty of opinions as to exactly what freedom entails. Freedom of speech. Freedom of expression. Freedom of belief, or thinking. Freedom to be, or, not to be… Freedom has a high price these days, and…