
Cooking with Compassion

Cooking with compassion The spiritual element “As a person eats, so he thinks. As a person thinks, so he acts. As a person acts, so he is.” So how do I get the passion for cooking with compassion at the Brahma Kumaris encourages individuals to take a more spiritual approach to all aspects of life including…

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Some reflections on war and the conflict in Ukraine

War is the ultimate expression of accumulated individual and collective ‘negative’ emotions such as anger, fear, bitterness, resentment, regret, anxiety and insecurity. Such emotions trigger the well-known ‘fight or flight’ reaction, which we are currently witnessing on our screens at this historic moment in time. In this state, reason often goes out the window and we say and…

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A Day in Silence

Generally being an outspoken and free person, I had a fear of being in silence from a very young age. I did however know there were benefits in keeping silent at times, so I experimented with this several times in those days. It was always ok on the day, but I felt limited and sort…

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Spiritual Growth in a Group Environment

For the past few months I have been regularly studying on the advanced course of meditation offered at the Brahma Kumaris Global Cooperation House in London. It is the international centre of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University.  For the first time I am getting involved in a group environment on a long term basis.…

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What is Raja Yoga Meditation?

I have been following the study and practice of Raja Yoga meditation for over seven years.  Over time I have developed more discipline in my practice and have become better able to channel my thoughts and to feel content with who I am.  I have just completed the seven day Raja Yoga foundation course again…

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Peace in the Park 2015

July 2015, and you would imagine that the British Summertime would be well under way. After all, it’s all over by September anyway, right? So, sunshine should be pretty much guaranteed? Nope. No. In fact, absolutely not. The fourth weekend in July is the Summer Festival of Peace in the Park. It is a spiritual…

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